The answers you seek are within you.


I am invited into a sacred, safe space with a gentle guide that connects me to my body...My mind thinks it knows the problem, almost always, my body discovers something different. Learning to feel into my body brings clarity to the mind. This requires an intuitive guide.
— M.C. -Lodi, wi

It's time to go beyond surviving your way through life and learn to cultivate space for you to embrace and embody thriving. Most of what stops us from realizing our dreams resides in our unconscious, where there is often a belief it isn’t safe to do so. We work together in co-creation to create a path beyond these beliefs and towards your desire using mindfulness, movement, breath, sounding, energy, embodiment practices and nervous system regulation strategies.

My coaching methodology takes a holistic approach and is rooted in marrying the sacred ancient wisdom of Tantra teachings with the modern science of neurobiology, nervous system regulation strategies, and the science of emotional healing used in traditional therapy. This is a trauma-informed, comprehensive approach that incorporates and integrates trauma healing principles in a slow, gentle and loving way, while working on developing self-love, acceptance, compassion, and confidence through joy, pleasure, and embodied somatic practices to help you reach your goals, dreams, and desires. A variety of modalities are utilized to support your specific needs. This may include elements of Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Parts Work (similar to Internal Family Systems), Somatic Experiencing, breathwork, and mindfulness-based practices.


What’s Included in a 10-Session Coaching Container?

Weekly Coaching Sessions (60 minutes via Zoom)

Detailed Session Reflections

Personalized Tools and Practices

Email/Text Support Between Sessions

Accountability Support

Investment: 6 Month Plan: $250/month, 3 Month Plan: $500/month, Prepay in Full: $1500


Meet Amanda

I believe we are inherently whole, born with all the wisdom we need to live a wholehearted, fulfilling life. Somewhere along the way, through societal conditioning, trauma, and life experiences, we adopt limiting beliefs and practices that block us from embodying this Truth and connecting to the wisdom within. As a coach, I use embodiment practices, mindfulness, breathwork, and nervous system regulation tools to guide people back to wholeness, helping them move from survival to thriving. In the coaching container/Together/throughout the journey Home, we rediscover self-love, safety, acceptance, and belonging, while also learning to resource in joy, pleasure, and authentic power.




·       Integrate unprocessed grief and trauma

·       Uncover and transform limiting beliefs and societal conditioning that impede self-expression

·       Navigate life transitions including as parenthood, pregnancy loss, divorce, and menopause

·       Cultivate love, acceptance, and compassion toward the self

·       Overcome overwhelm, stuckness, and living in survival mode and shift to thriving

·       Embody a deeper sense of self-love, safety, acceptance, and belonging

·       Discover the healing power of play, pleasure, and fun

·       Deepen understanding of your relationship to self and others

·       Manage stress with more ease and joy

·       Adopt practices and beliefs that will allow them to realize their desires, dreams, and goals

·       Learn nervous system regulation strategies



I’ve tried many things in my adult life to process some lingering trauma and to cultivate mindfulness and presence - including talk therapy with several different providers in different settings. I’ve felt any sense of “breakthrough” to be fairly elusive in talk therapy, even with really skilled providers. I had been reading some about somatic healing and becoming more in tune with my body and turned to Amanda to help with this. She is truly gifted and has an incredibly kind, generous and thoughtful manner and approach. I experienced more insights and transformative moments, realizations, experiences in our mini coaching container than in a combined total of years of talk therapy. In addition to those moments, she also left me with tangible documents and tools and practices to take with me moving forward. For all of this I’m immensely grateful!
— M.B. Monona, WI
Amanda has guided me with patience, wisdom, and care through some very difficult decisions and transitions in my life. Her coaching has helped me get in touch with my deeper truths, welcome in difficult emotions, and find a sense of strength and confidence that has empowered me to live more wholeheartedly. I recommend her to anyone who needs help navigating a decision or transition or just wants additional support to flow through the ups and downs of life.
— Julia Carborro, NC
Amanda has such an amazing energy and presence that you are immediately put at ease. She creates a safe place for you to share and gently guides you through your desires and goals. I came into my session with unclear definition of what my desire was and left my session feeling more connected (mind and body) to my desires.
— A.N. Middleton, WI
My coaching session with Amanda was transformative. As a highly anxious person who has managed mental health struggles much of my life, I’ve sought out yoga, meditation, coaching, therapy, etc. constantly, anything to help. This coaching session with Amanda was unlike any of that. I found a deep sense of awareness, peace, & self-kindness that has had a tremendous impact on my overall day to day joy, happiness, and ability to manage my anxiety and emotions.
— B.H. Madison, WI
Working with Amanda was such a significant life experience in trying new things while being vulnerable and connecting my mind & body through breath & meditation. I have so much gratitude for her way with words, the calmness of her presence and her ability to hold space while I went through this process. If you are looking for a safe space to self-reflect and gain insight you are in the right place, and it is worth the investment in yourself.
— R. Smith Tallahassee, FL
Amanda asks precise questions that break through not only the walls of society’s conditioning but also the years of defenses and stone walls I carefully built myself. She’s able to do this in a truly considerate and compassionate way that is warm and kind.
— A.T. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
“Amanda’s presence is so powerful and supportive. Her reflections to me made me feel so seen, heard, and truly accepted as I am, and at the same time she was right there with me in my desires and where I wanted to grow and change. It is such a gift to work with her.”
— S.G. Brooklyn, NY
Amanda’s coaching is an immersive experience where she invites you to connect with a deeper part of yourself through guided conversations and thoughts. She gently prompts you to go deeper into yourself to explore your core desires. I felt safe and comfortable in the space she created. I left our coaching time challenged, encouraged and renewed.
— M.W. Madison, WI

You Are Whole

We’ll learn to transform limiting beliefs. Manage stress with more ease and joy. Cultivate self-trust and intuition. Develop self-confidence.

Get out of your head and into your body!