The Space Between...
In this moment I invite you to pause.
Go to a window and look outside. Better yet, if you have the time, actually go outside.
Put your feet firmly on the ground. Feel the earth beneath you. Look down and see the earth supporting you.
Look up and around. Do you notice the light, the clouds, the trees? Close your eyes. Listen closely. What do you hear? The leaves rustling, the birds chirping? Take a deep breath in and out. What do you smell? Stand in quiet stillness. What do you feel? The warmth of the sun, the blowing of the breeze, the buzz surrounding you?
It is the energy of transition. This is the time when we are flirting with fall, but not quite done with summer. Warm days, cool nights. Mostly green trees, but some just starting to show their colors.
As humans, both in our practice and in our lives, we often rush through transition. Feeling the the end of one thing coming, we quickly move on to the next. When we do this, we miss out on a beautiful opportunity to pause and appreciate the important role the in-between plays. Slow down. Let us not be so quick to skip this part.
Even if it's just for today, practice this pause and take time to notice. Give yourself time to savor and appreciate the space between. Whether it's the space between one asana and another, the space between the inhale and the exhale or the space between what was and what will be. What does it reflect back to you? Hold this sacred space. Honor it. It is Holy. Treat it with reverence.